Is An HVAC Inspection Worth the Money?


Is an HVAC inspection worth the small price to pay now? Short answer, yes, absolutely. Nobody wants a large, unexpected repair bill later down the line when you could have solved the issue sooner, and for cheap. During an annual HVAC maintenance visit, a licensed technician can spot issues and prevent the need for costly repairs. In the northern Ohio area, Norwalk/Huron Heating & Air Conditioning have been servicing HVAC units since 1955 and can help all year round.

    An HVAC system costs thousands of dollars and features a lot of moving parts that wear down over time. It's important that you don't neglect your system and periodically check on it from time to time. HVAC technicians generally don't charge too much for an AC tune up. The average cost is minuscule compared to a repair that can cost upwards of $1000 depending on the severity of the repair. 

    During a HVAC maintenance appointment, the technician will inspect all the components of your system. This includes the following: 

  • The thermostat
  • Electrical connections
  • Refrigerant levels 
  • Controls
  • Adjusting and lubricating moving parts
  • Changing the air filter
  • Cleaning the condensation drain
  • Straightening the fins
    Spring is the ideal time for a tune up. It's before the craze of the summer season and it allows you too prep your HVAC system before the summer heat. You can have a technician inspect both the cooling and heating aspects of your unit or you can schedule two separate inspections. 

    Your HVAC unit is an essential part of your home. Don't let it get run down and end up with a giant repair bill. Take a day in the Spring or Fall to get it looked at. Contact Norwalk/Huron Heating & Air Conditioning for all your HVAC service needs. We service all of the Huron and Erie counties in Ohio. Visit our website to learn more about the services we offer. 
